Monday 21 September 2009

Long time, no post- 17 weeks 5 days pregnant.

Well so much has happened since the first post, i have had my scan and found out that i am due on the 23rd of Feb 2010 (5 days before my birthday!) so my little one had better be on time lol. I am 18 weeks tommorrow yey, and have my detailed scan on the 8th of October which is when i will also find out if baby is a little boy or a little girl. I think it's going to be a boy, i don't know why i think because my fella already refers to the little one as his son lol so i just go along with it, but who knows?

I am yearning to get 'proper' bump now in some clothes i look pregnant in others just fat, or maybe it's just me thinking that i don't know. I have had little flutters of movement already, started at around late 16 weeks so thats another exciting thing. I think the next time i will post will be after my detailed scan so i will know the sex and can start thinking of names etc.

My precious little one at 16 weeks 3days.

Fetus at 18 weeks

Belly pics at 17 weeks 5 days

Friday 7 August 2009

07/08/09 10 weeks 6 days pregnant.

My first entry to this blog, and it will be a special blog for me and my future unborn baby. I am 11 weeks tommorow and although i don't want to wish time away am realy eager to get to 12 weeks already. Changes i have had is occasional morning (daytime and evening) sickness although i have only actually been sick on two occasions so i guess i am lucky. I don't really feel pregnant but my stomach is very bloated and always looks as though i have eaten a big meal. My boobs are also very sore and have been since before i missed my period. Also very tired, i just want my energy back! Plus mood swings, to sum things up its just like being on a constant period, apart from having the actual period lol.

Here is my stomach at almost 11 weeks,i just look like i have eaten all the pies and then some..

A fetus at 10 weeks :)